

concept of angel in islam

Angels are celestial beings, who are not visible to ordinary mortals and thus belong to the category of ''unseen beings'', covered by the term 'ghaib'. Belief in angels in one of the cardinal articles of a muslim's faith and it forms the
second ingredient thereof next only to faith in Allah.
Angels are one of Allah's creation and they are His honored servants. They are not Allah's daughters.
Angels have no knowledge save what Allah has
taught them. They don't speak before Allah speaks and the act in all things by His command. They
do not grow weary and are not languid nor are they proud. They flinch not (from executing) the command they receive from Allah but do (precisely) what they are
commanded. they prostrated before Adam(peace be upon him) when Allah commanded them to do
Angels never fail in their duty and they're the sinless beings.
Some of the angels have two (pairs of) wings, some three and some four. They range themselves in :ranks and are strong in
repelling (evil). each of them has his appointed place. Angels have
various function and duties.
they worship and glorify Allah and sing His praises and prostrate before Him. Angels act as
Allah's messengers  but they
did not descend except by Allah'so command.Angels were send by Allah to give tidings to Zakriya (peace be upon him) and to Maryam before whom the angel appeared in human form. Angels also appeared in human form before Ibrahim (peace be upon him) to give him glad tidings of the birth of son and before Lut to warn him of the impending doom of his wicked people and o ask him to
leave the towns that were going to be destroyed. Angels came to Allah's chosen servants (prophets and apostles) with inspiration of His
The arch-angel, Jibril, (Ruh-ul Qudus, Ruh-ul-Amin,) brought down Allah's revelation to the
Holy Prophet's (peace be upon him) heart. Angels strengthen the hearts of righteous believers and are their protectors. They implore forgiveness for the believers but angels can offer no intercession
except for those who are acceptable to Allah. Angels send blessing on the believers and on the holly Prophet (peace be upon him).
Angels record a man's deeds and words. Kiraman Katibin occurs in.
Angels take the souls of men on their death.Their taking the souls of unbelievers with violence and smiting their faces and backs are
mentioned in some of the verses; also their taking the souls of believers gently. 'Malak-ul-
Maut' is mentioned in various verses. At the battle of Badr angels strengthened the hearts of, and helped the, believers and cast
terror into the hearts of the un-believers. As already mentioned, angels carried out Allah's command of the destruction of the
wicked people of Lut..Angels will accost the righteous believers on
their entering heaven. Angels are also the guardians of hell fire.
The name of jibril and Mikal are mentioned in Quran, but not that of Israfil who will blow the trumpet-SUR-heralding the day of judgment.


the water of zamzam

Zamzam water is the best, most fresh, most beneficial, most beloved, purest and most precious water there is. Zamzam water was dug up by the angel Jibril (Roh ul Qudus or Roh ul Amin) and was the sourse the prophet baby Ismail drank from.
In the "Sahihain" it is narrated that the prophet (peace be upon him) said to Abu Thar, who remained at the Kaabah for forty days without food (or drink) living on only Zamzam.
Further more, Ibn Majjah narrated that Jabbir ibn Abdullah related from the prophet (peace be upon him) that he said 'Zamzam water is for whatever was intended behind drinking it.
We must realise from this that when drinking Zamzam water for a purpose and after making the intention then we must not say '
Lets try it as that defeats the purpose' Rather we must believe that Allah will definitely cure us/ fulfill our intention inshaAllah.


New Zealand rugby player Sonny Bill Williams embraces Islam

sonny bill williams
New Zealand rugby player Sonny Bill Williams embraces Islam
He's converted from a rugby league teen sensation into an All
Black juggernaut, and along the way become a promising heavyweight boxer. But Sonny Bill Williams has also made a spiritual conversion to Islam.
While rumors of the 25-year-old sporting superstar's religious
beliefs have circulated for some time, the Herald on Sunday can
reveal he made the leap of faith two years ago.
He has since become the first Muslim to wear the All Black jersey,
and requested halal food during the Northern Hemisphere tour
last year. The Muslim holy month of Ramadan, when followers are
forbidden from eating between dawn and sunset, falls in August
this year - when the All Blacks play three Tri Nations matches. It is
during the final build-up to the Rugby World Cup.
Williams regularly attends Friday prayer sessions at a Christchurch
mosque, according to friends.
Federation of Islamic Associations of New Zealand first vice- president Javed Khan said his allegiance was commonly known
among the Muslim community.
"He is practicing the religion and he is a great role model for the
youngsters. We will pray to Allah that he will win the World Cup
for us. Everyone talks about it you know. The Muslim community,
everyone knows everyone, you know." Williams' manager Khoder Nasser and mentor, league star and
boxer Anthony Mundine, are both Muslims, as is his brother Johnny, who lives with him in Christchurch.
Williams' friend Tairek Smith said he had regularly prayed with
the 1.91m, 108kg second five eighth since he embraced the Sunni branch of Islam during a ceremony at the Regent's Park mosque in Sydney's western suburbs in 2008, where former Canterbury Bulldogs teammate Hazem El Masri attends.
All Black manager Darren Shand said the star's religious beliefs
had a "minimal" impact on the team. He said: "He has talked to us about his dietary needs and we do
make some concessions there. We request halal beef and so on
but he doesn't make a big deal of it. "We always leave players' religious affiliations and a lot of those holistic things outside of the game. That's their personal life and
they decide what they do." When asked if his faith clashed with the All Blacks' philosophy
for encouraging players to be free thinking and self reliant,
Shand said Williams was a "sponge" for information.
"That's why he is so good at all the sports he has been involved in. He just ticks all the boxes. He wants to be the best." Since converting to Islam, Williams has put a string of embarrassing alcohol-related incidents behind him.


Trust and truth

always trust the truth
Trust and truth
Trust comes from truth, even when the
truth hurts. Especially when the truth
hurts. You cannot have trust without truth.
And without trust, nothing is achieved.
To follow your own ideas and possibilities,
you must have faith in them. You must
trust them. You must trust yourself. That
means being truthful with yourself --
bluntly and sincerely truthful.
The same dynamic applies even more
profoundly when working with others.
Would you provide your support, your
time, or your expertise to someone you did
not trust? Would you commit your energy
and your resources to someone who had
lied to you?
Without truth and trust, all our frenzied
activity accomplishes nothing. Seek trust by
accepting nothing less than the truth.
Nurture trust by recognizing, respecting and
appreciating truth. Create trust by living
and acting in truth. In so doing, you will
move steadily toward greatness.


For whom is Hajj obligatory

Do you know for whom is Hajj obligatory?
It's necessary to know that Hajj is obligatory on every adult free, sane, healthy, Muslim, once in his life-time, provided he has sufficient money for the expenses of the journey and for the maintenance of his dependents during his absence abroad, and provided the under taking of the journey world be safe and there would be no danger to his life.


Mr Bean convert to Islam

The news circling around that Bean - Rowan Atkinson convert to Islam.
Arab and international The king of silent comedy” Mr Bean” announced his conversion to Islam News networks picked up on the social networking site, and other websites morning news announcement Global Islam comedian Rowan Atkinson’s famous “Mr Bean”. And surprised the comedian famous “Mr Bean” middle and artistic world by announcing entry in the Islamic religion. And the relocation of “echo my” word Mr Bean shows from which the film was offensive
to the Prophet – peace be upon him – was a major reason for the discovery of a teacher this true religion, and did not want Mr Bean
authorizing the channels of information so, as it could only raise his finger testimony According to some sources, interested according to the site, Sheikh Rashid Ghannouchi Contact the name and the name of the Nahda Movement congratulatory
telegram for this artist Qadeer congratulating, calling him stable on the road to the right, waiting to send an official mission to congratulate him. The site indicates that Sheikh Rashid
relationship with “Mr Bean” is related to ancient days was in London. Sheikh has long been a good mentor. The advantage of this artist’s legendary talent
does not possess any artist alive, comedy silent is the home first which is not rivaled by any artist where ever, its launch was in the
theater and excelled in hundreds of figures varied but the public is still asking him to return to his unique (Mr Bean).


Saeed Anwar broke the record for the highest individual innings in a one-day international scoring 194 runs and it stood for 12 years

Years ago, the cricketing world
watched one of the finest innings ever played
by one of the finest players Pakistan has ever
produced, as Saeed Anwar smashed all
on his way to 194.
It was the 6th match of the Pepsi
Independence Cup at the Chidabaram Stadium
in Chennai, both teams needed to win to
qualify for the two finals. Pakistan won the
toss and decided to bat first, the rest as we
know is history.
Saeed Anwar broke the record for the highest
individual innings in a one-day international
scoring 194 runs, from 146 balls, hitting 22
fours and five sixes.
It was a remarkable exhibition of controlled
aggression, even if he was helped by a runner,
Shahid Afridi, for most of the innings (as he
was suffering from heat exhaustion and loss of
Saeed Anwar broke the previous record set by
Viv Richards’s, who scored 189 for the West
Indies against England at Old Trafford in
by five, and might have reached a double-
hundred had he not top-edged a sweep to be
caught at fine leg in the 47th over.
After the match Saeed himself said: “To beat
India in India is something special. Only we
know the pressure we were subjected to back
at home after our loss at Bangalore in the
World Cup.”
Due to Anwar’s 194, Pakistan comfortably won
in the end by 35 runs. Saeed Anwar’s record
stood for 12 year utill it was broken by Sachin
Courtesy – Green Team


According to European author Muhammad (peace be upon him) ,the prophet of islam is most influential person of the history.

The hundred (the 100): a ranking of most influential person in the history,written by an American author Michel H.Harts and published by harts publishing company in 1978. It's ranking of the hundred people who according to Harts,most influential human history. The first person on the Harts's list is the prophet of Islam Muhammad (peace be upon him). Harts asserted that Muhammad was "supremely successful" in the both religious and secular realms. His role in the development of Islam was far more influential then juses 'collaborating in the development of Christianity.
So It's an example which is taken from the books of European authors whom are non Muslims in spite of all they accepted that Muhammad is the reall leader


Muslim footballer

Demba BA is a Muslim Footballer ..he plays for Chelsea.


Muslim never forget his God

Mohammed Salah is an Egyptian muslim footballer,
he currently plays for fc basel .


Prince waleed is ranked as the most influentialArab in the world.

Al Waleed bin Talal bin Abdulaziz al Saud
( Arabic: ﺍﻟﻮﻟﻴﺪ ﺑﻦ ﻃﻼﻝ ﺑﻦ ﻋﺒﺪﺍﻟﻌﺰﻳﺰ ﺁﻝ ﺳﻌﻮﺩ ,
born 7 March 1955) is a Saudi Arabian
businessman and investor. He the grandson
of King Abdulazziz Saudi royal family .
He is the founder, CEO, and 95%-owner
of the Kingdom Holding Company . Arabian
Business ranked him as the most influential
Arab in the world.
In March 2013, Forbes listed Al Waleed as
the 26th-richest man in the world, with an
estimated net worth of US $20 Billion.
Prince al Waleed disputes the Forbes
valuation, and believes his wealth to be $26
billion.  Bloomberg later estimated his
wealth as $30 billion. Arabian Business
Magazine estimated his wealth at $31.2B in
December 2013.


Rawalpendi express,the fastest bowler of the world

Shoaib Akhtar Bowling Speed: 161. 3 kmph
Shoaib Akhtar is a Former Pakistani right
arm very Fast Bowler. who Represented
the Pakistan National Team in All Forms of
The Game, Shoaib Akhtar is Also Known As
Rawalpindi Express . He is Regarded as the
Fastest Bowler in the History of the
Cricket. He set an official world record by
achieving the fastest delivery , of 161. 3
km/ h (100 .2 mph ) against England in 2003
World Cup .


Saudi prince owns a diamond encrusted Mercedes

Saudi Prince Alwaleed owns a diamond encrusted $4.8 million Mercedes and he charges $1000 just to touch it. You must Pay $1000 To Touch This
Diamond-Encrusted Mercedes.
This diamond-studded, mink-furnished
Mercedes SL600, worth $4.8 million. The
car is the property of Saudi Prince Al
Waleed bin Talal bin Abdul-Aziz, one of the
top 10 richest people in the world
according to Forbes.


Usman khawaja made history as first Muslim in Australian cricket squad.

Usman Khawaja ( Urdu : ﻋﺜﻤﺎﻥ ﺧﻮﺍﺟﮧ ; born
18 December 1986) is a Pakistani-born
Australian cricketer.
Usman khawaja has
become the first Muslim to be selected in an
Australian cricket squad and made his test debut (cap 419) against England on 3rd January 2011.he is first from Pakistan and sub_continent as well.he is famous among his team mates by his nickname "uzzy or usie".
he is He was awarded Player
of the Australian Under-19 Championship in
2005 and also played for Australia in the
2006 U-19 Cricket World Cup in Sri Lanka
as an opening batsman. His club side is
Randwick Petersham Cricket Club.
Khawaja, who was born in Islamabad but
moved to Australia at the age of four,he was selected in an Australian squad for two test matches series against pakistan which was moved to England.
He said he
was "shocked" at being selected for the two-
Test series, which was moved to England due to
safety concerns in Pakistan due to last year's
extremist attack on the Sri Lankan cricket team
"I was a bit shocked, I had a feeling I was
close but that could mean absolutely nothing,"
he told Cricket Australia's official website.
"The feeling didn't really sink in straight away
but I've told my family and they're really
, who is also a fully-
qualified pilot, was named in a
strong 14-man Australian side,
The 23-year-old made headlines in
2008 when he became the first
cricketer of Pakistani-Australian
background to play first-class
cricket in Australia, making his
debut for New South Wales in an
inter-state match against Victoria.
He is, however, not the first player from the
sub-continent to represent Australia -- Sri
Lanka-born Dav Whatmore played seven Tests
in 1979-80.
National selection panel chairman Andrew
Hilditch said Khawaja's inclusion in the squad
was down to the player's strong performances
at state competition level, which saw him score
698 runs and three centuries last season.
"Usman Khawaja has been selected on the
back of some very strong Sheffield Shield


First triple century in south African cricket's history

A triple century (an individual score of 300
or more) in Test cricket.
No player from Bangladesh , New
Zealand and Zimbabwe has scored 300,
There was no one from south Africa till 2012 but gorgeous inning played by stylish cricketer and first Test
triple century was made by Hashim Amla in south African cricket's history in
the England vs. South Africa test match at
the Oval from 19–23 July 2012.
He is a practising Muslim athlete,performing salah,fasting and reciting Qur,san. he is known as a south African cricketer all over the world and very famous specialy in muslim youngsters. Hashim refused to wear south African cricket shirt with the logo "Castle"a wine company in south Africa avoiding advertising of wine,because it's forbidden(haram) in islam.


Pray as you have seen me prayt

Salah is the pillar of Islam and whosoever abandons it, demolishes the very pillar of religion" (Muhammad Pease be upon him) .
And toled,how'll the Salah be performed, as he said "Pray as you have seen me prayt" This applies to both male & female. We must all learn how the Prophet ﷺ prayed


Salah is pillar of Islam

The first thing Allah almighty will ask on the Day of Judgement is about our Salah.Salah is basic think in Islam and called "pillar of Islam"Don’t fall at the first hurdle.


The most recited book

Research shows that most recited book of the wOrld in day,is holly Qur,aan.it's being recited all over the wOrld.
Muslims recite the holly book to get closer to Allah almighty by understanding the aim of holly book and acting upon its teachings


Status of Hazrat khadija in the sociality before Islam

Hazrat khadija (R.A) the first wife of prophet of Islam Mohammad (peace be upon him) was called "tahira" in the society at the time womens were not treated well,they're misbehaved and known as the sign of trouble and bad luck.she was known as a good mannered lady and called "tahira" as prophet (peace be upon him) was called "as,sadiq" and "al,ameen" due to his honest and truthful personality.