Angels are celestial beings, who are not visible to ordinary mortals and thus belong to the category of ''unseen beings'', covered by the term 'ghaib'. Belief in angels in one of the cardinal articles of a muslim's faith and it forms the
second ingredient thereof next only to faith in Allah.
Angels are one of Allah's creation and they are His honored servants. They are not Allah's daughters.
Angels have no knowledge save what Allah has
taught them. They don't speak before Allah speaks and the act in all things by His command. They
do not grow weary and are not languid nor are they proud. They flinch not (from executing) the command they receive from Allah but do (precisely) what they are
commanded. they prostrated before Adam(peace be upon him) when Allah commanded them to do
Angels never fail in their duty and they're the sinless beings.
Some of the angels have two (pairs of) wings, some three and some four. They range themselves in :ranks and are strong in
repelling (evil). each of them has his appointed place. Angels have
various function and duties.
they worship and glorify Allah and sing His praises and prostrate before Him. Angels act as
Allah's messengers but they
did not descend except by Allah'so command.Angels were send by Allah to give tidings to Zakriya (peace be upon him) and to Maryam before whom the angel appeared in human form. Angels also appeared in human form before Ibrahim (peace be upon him) to give him glad tidings of the birth of son and before Lut to warn him of the impending doom of his wicked people and o ask him to
leave the towns that were going to be destroyed. Angels came to Allah's chosen servants (prophets and apostles) with inspiration of His
The arch-angel, Jibril, (Ruh-ul Qudus, Ruh-ul-Amin,) brought down Allah's revelation to the
Holy Prophet's (peace be upon him) heart. Angels strengthen the hearts of righteous believers and are their protectors. They implore forgiveness for the believers but angels can offer no intercession
except for those who are acceptable to Allah. Angels send blessing on the believers and on the holly Prophet (peace be upon him).
Angels record a man's deeds and words. Kiraman Katibin occurs in.
Angels take the souls of men on their death.Their taking the souls of unbelievers with violence and smiting their faces and backs are
mentioned in some of the verses; also their taking the souls of believers gently. 'Malak-ul-
Maut' is mentioned in various verses. At the battle of Badr angels strengthened the hearts of, and helped the, believers and cast
terror into the hearts of the un-believers. As already mentioned, angels carried out Allah's command of the destruction of the
wicked people of Lut..Angels will accost the righteous believers on
their entering heaven. Angels are also the guardians of hell fire.
The name of jibril and Mikal are mentioned in Quran, but not that of Israfil who will blow the trumpet-SUR-heralding the day of judgment.
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